Sunday 20 May 2012

Furniture rescue

I love rummaging through second hand shops for hidden treasures. Lately I've been searching for furniture which I can repaint and give a new home to. Below is a chair I found which I thought would be perfect for my desk in the spare room. With a little paint, sanding and recovering the cushion pad it came up a treat!

I was on the search for an outdoor setting and thought this set below would be perfect. I painted the frame white and sanded back the corners for a distressed look. The large cushions I covered with an old doona cover I bought from the Salvation Army. I also made some smaller cushions with an old coffee bean hessian bag and cute fabric I found.

I'm now on the hunt for a piece of furniture I can revamp to sit my TV on in the lounge room. I'm thinking of having a change from white and painting it red. Stay tuned....

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