Last year my Pa gave me some tomato plants and a Yacon plant for my Veggie garden. I didn't really know what a Yacon was but thought I'd give it a go anyway. Throughout the year I watched it grow and grow and grow until finally it was so massive I thought it would never die. Eventually the leaves started to wilt so I excitedly uprooted it for my first ever Yacon crop. What a nice surprise when I dug up a whole sink full of Yacon. The only problem was I had no idea what to do with them all. After some research I discovered that although they look like a sweet potato they are more like a cross between an apple and a pear. I wasn't keen on eating them raw so decided to grill some. There wasn't a lot of taste so the next use for them was a filler in a curry. I still wasn't overly excited by the taste and since then have been trying to give them away to anyone and everyone. Although I enjoyed watching this unusual vegetable grow I think I will give it a miss this year and plant some more peppers instead!