Monday 10 June 2013

Ceramic bowls

Some more experimenting with clay. The first bowl was made using an existing bowl as a mould. I then used a underglaze pencil to write the words with a clear glaze over the top. I love the rustic shape of the bowl against the hand written words. 
The second bowl was made on the pottery wheel with glaze splattered onto it after the bisque fire.

Monday 22 April 2013

Bathroom decor

I recently painted my bathroom and made a few decorative pieces to match. Here's a few snaps of them!

 This vase is made with white earthernware clay and copper oxide. I weaved string through the holes.

  I made these two small baskets by crocheting string. 

 This coaster is made from alpaca hair. I used thread to wrap around it and stitch into a circle shape. I used it to sit a small glass jar on, as shown above.

Here are some paper flowers I created out of different papers. The stems are made from wire with string wrapped around them.

 I made the bird out of white clay and found a piece of nice wood for it to sit on.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Fawn artwork

I'm in the process of painting my bathroom and was looking for some new artwork for the walls. I love fawns (baby deer) so decided to use them as my subject. The first work is done with watercolour and pen, then stitched onto a brown paper bag. The second one is drawn with pen onto a brown paper bag, with the outline and some detail hand stitched. Now I just have to finish painting the bathroom so I can hang them up!

Thursday 14 March 2013

Lucas Grogan inspired works

Over the weekend I attended a workshop run by the very talented artist, Lucas Grogan. He taught us how to create a work in his style, using pattern and text. Here are my two works!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Big garden mushies

I was wanting a fast filler for my fernery, where my dog has squashed all the plants. I decided to make a heap of large mushrooms. Some were made with terracotta clay and others with white earthernware. I used my favourite glaze (aventurine) on all of the mushrooms. Here they are in their new home!

Thursday 21 February 2013

Leaf photos

Today while at work I noticed some interesting dried leaves on the ground. Each one had a unique quality to it with curled over edges. I've been wanting to do some intricate drawings of leaves for a while, so I picked up a few to photograph. After some playing around in Photoshop here's the results. 

Saturday 16 February 2013

Hand Embroidery

I was given a modern hand embroidery book for my birthday. After practising a few of the stitches I created this little wall hanging for my cousins daughter, Lillian. 

Monday 4 February 2013

More mini clay houses

I've made some more mini clay houses. I love the effect of the natural oxide on the white clay. These houses are only 4.5cm high by 2.5cm wide. They are now for sale with more clay items available soon. Check out my Etsy shop!

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Mini clay houses

I made these little houses as decorations for my wedding. They were a bit too small for anyone to really notice but I absolutely love them!

Saturday 26 January 2013

Wedding decorations

The reason I haven't blogged for a long time is because I recently got married and have been very busy making decorations. Here's a few photos from our gorgeous, country wedding!

Friday 25 January 2013

Photo from Cambodia

This is a photo I took while at a museum (old prison) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, recently. I have a little obsession with barbed wire!