Sunday 16 December 2012

Paisley lino print

Lately I've had an obsession with Paisley design. Below is my Paisley inspired Chine Colle lino print!

Monday 10 December 2012

Christmas gifts

Here's some clay pieces I've made for my family for Christmas presents. 

Pomegranates made from terracotta earthenware

Small platter, white earthenware with coloured underglaze

Another platter with a paisley design stamped from an old wooden stamp (thanks Lea!)

Small mushrooms

White earthenware pears with oxide

Terracotta pears with oxide and clear glaze

Thursday 18 October 2012


I've just found a new product called Paverpol which dries fabric hard and is waterproof. It's a great medium for making outdoor sculpture. I had a play around with it today using some raffia, fabric and  lace paper. I ended up creating a little birds nest. I'm really excited to keep experimenting with it further!

Sunday 14 October 2012

Using the pottery wheel

On the weekend I had my first attempt at using a pottery wheel. I made a few small bowls and was covered in clay by the end of the day. This is something I will definitely do again.
Below are some photos my neighbour took

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Some more clay planters

Here's my latest clay planters. I experimented with flicking the glaze o one of them, which looks interesting! 

Hanging planter

Terracotta clay with oxide and clear glaze

Top half glazed with flecks on the bottom

Saturday 1 September 2012

Lino print workshop

Last week I went to a lino print workshop. We created two prints and printed them using the Chine Colle technique. This is where you stick down tissue paper onto your printing paper before you put it through the press. I've never used this technique before and found it a great way to add colour without doing a multiple colour lino print. Below is a photo of my Chine Colle print!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

New oxide

This is the first time I've used this new oxide and I absolutely love it. I can't wait to use it again!!!


Bunch of flowers

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Yacon overload!

Last year my Pa gave me some tomato plants and a Yacon plant for my Veggie garden. I didn't really know what a Yacon was but thought I'd give it a go anyway. Throughout the year I watched it grow and grow and grow until finally it was so massive I thought it would never die. Eventually the leaves started to wilt so I excitedly uprooted it for my first ever Yacon crop. What a nice surprise when I dug up a whole sink full of Yacon. The only problem was I had no idea what to do with them all. After some research I discovered that although they look like a sweet potato they are more like a cross between an apple and a pear. I wasn't keen on eating them raw so decided to grill some. There wasn't a lot of taste so the next use for them was a filler in a curry. I still wasn't overly excited by the taste and since then have been trying to give them away to anyone and everyone. Although I enjoyed watching this unusual vegetable grow I think I will give it a miss this year and plant some more peppers instead!

Saturday 28 July 2012

More clay garden art!

Recently I've been making a lot of things out of clay. Myself and a few neighbours have set up a little ceramics group where we meet once a month or two and play with clay. These photos are from the latest batch. 

Round birdie

Ladybug in flower

Pot plant holder

Vegetable stake- Thyme

Vegetable stake- Sage

Bird house hanging mobile

Close up

Monday 23 July 2012

Joey rescue

Below is a photo of a baby kangaroo (joey) we rescued who had a broken arm. We took him to the wildlife centre who will care for him until he's ready to be released into the wild again. He was so adorable. I put him in a large bucket with a blanket and wheat pack to keep him warm for the car trip.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Mosaic pot

I wanted another pot plant on my back verandah and decided to buy a terracotta pot and mosaic it. As the pot is quite large I thought it would look good with just a section of it mosaiced. I was happy with the end result as the mosaic band complements the colour of the terracotta nicely. I now have a yellow Gardenia in the pot and can't wait for it to flower!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Wood sculpture

While my partner was cutting wood with the chainsaw I noticed some beautiful smaller pieces of dead wood with smooth edges. I decided to attack them with the axe and ended up with a series of similar size pieces. I drilled holes in the middle of them all and threaded them through some thin rope. I have now hung my new sculpture in the fernery and I am preparing to make a second one!

Saturday 23 June 2012

Clay cow bells

I recently fired my latest clay pieces. Below are some cow bells I made from terracotta clay to hang on the fence of my garden. I drew little swirls on the bottom of three of the bells then brushed clear glaze over them. 

Sunday 10 June 2012

Floor cushions

Now it's getting colder I enjoy nothing more then lying in front of the wood heater. The only problem is it's not overly comfortable lying on the floor, so I decided to make some large floor cushions. I had some leftover fabric from a couch cover I made, which I thought would be perfect for the cushions. I found these great large coconut shell buttons from spotlight to add to the middle of the cushions. Finished pieces below!

Monday 4 June 2012

I bought some new letter stamps off ebay last week and couldn't wait to use them. I made a hessian potato and garlic bag and used the stamps to label them. I was very happy with the results. Next I'm going to try the stamps on clay! Below are the potato and garlic bags. Onion will be next. These products will also be for sale on my Etsy shop soon. 

Friday 1 June 2012

Latest clay creations

Last month I had a clay day with some neighbours where we made a range of different things, many of mine being garden sculptures. I'm still waiting to glaze most of my pieces but I decided to leave my vase and birdy/ heart decorations natural. I painted a design onto the vase with underglaze while it was still drying and like the effect of it without a clear glaze over the top. The birds and hearts were joined together with wool and I added some lace ribbons to the top of each. Both them and the vase are now permanent members of my bedroom!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Latest creation

I have just finished my latest mobile/ house decoration. It's a combination of hand felted alpaca hair, rust dyed fabric, crochet, hessian, lace, dress pattern paper as well as feathers and gumnuts from my garden. I have made a few of these and find they add a bit of warmth to a room. I currently have one hanging off my fireplace. This one will be for sale on my Etsy shop soon. 

Hanging on my wall

Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3